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Re: Possible FLorida Booking

In a message dated 7/15/99 2:14:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< Hi, Mike:  Would your organization (I assume you mean on the West Coast of 
 _Florida_?  I don't [obviously] know the state) be interested in illustrated 
 lecture/presentations on Jewish music (i.e., of the sort I do)--if I get 
 another booking in Florida or even if not (i.e., I assume I'm cheaper than 
 bringing down a whole band).  TIA--Please advise--Robert Cohen

Hi Robert,

Unfortunately your presentation is not what they are looking for.
In the past they have wrapped dinner and desert around performances already 
scheduled in this area  i.e. Joan Rivers, Mandy Patinkin, etc.
Nothing coming during the winter excites them and they are looking to book 
their own thing...more in the line of a band,etc.



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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