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Re: Magazine...Good idea

I agree that Ari's scenario -- Christian messages interspersed with Jewish
music -- is obnoxious. That isn't the only possibility, however. 

There have in the past been Christian stations that aired entire Jewish
programs without interruption, perhaps as a source of income. One such
station in Boston carried a half-hour Jewish-music broadcast on Sunday
afternoons for quite a while. The broadcast was quite clearly aimed at a
Jewish audience, and no Christian messages interrupted it. 

If a Christian station carries a Jewish program under such circumstances
of non-interference, the only problem I see is that most such stations
aren't very strong, meaning that they're hard to hear. 

Hope Ehn                     <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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