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Re: Re : sexual rhythms in Jewish music? (Was: What is Jewish Music (and m ..)

I wrote Helena privately,  but I  just noticed she addresses  her  questions to 
the whole list, so I will reiterate:

It is my personal opinion  that it is a fact, at least insofar as East European 
Jewish music is concerned.

That said, -- sexual musical rhythms are those that suggest, stimulate and/or 
enhance copulation.

Rock and roll and tango were embraced by the world, in large part,  due to 
centuries of sexual repression in many, many nations and cultures.

It is, -- to forge a pun, -- all in the nature of the beat.

I am a musical primitive, so perhaps someone on the list will enlighten us as 
to time signatures, etc.

Try  making  love with a <klezmer> record playing.
After you are done laughing, put on some Chicago blues or Gardel tangos
and you will see what I mean.

Wolf Krakowski

"You are free; that is why you are lost" -- Franz Kafka

Helena Hansson wrote:

> Wolf wrote:
> >However, while Jewish music is indeed multi-faceted, it is lacking in
> >propulsive sexual rhythms.
> This was just a side-statement in a long (and interesting) posting about 
> Tango and its relationship with Jewish music. Since I know very little about 
> music theory I have to ask ... ( And I mean this as a serious question.)
> Is it a fact or a personal opinion? Why? I.e. what would you say makes one 
> kind of rhythm sexual as opposed to another?
> /Helena
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
> ---------------------+

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