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Re: Julio Inglesias Jewish?

Responding to the message of <199907071553(dot)IAA02363 (at) 
from jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org:
There was an article in Ebony magazine in 1991, when Mariah was breaking in, 
that said her father was Venezuelan and black.  I can't vouch for its veracity 
or challenge other readings, but it's interesting that two such different bios 
have been published.  From whence comes her Irish surname?
> Yes, Mariah Carrey's parents are Syrian Jews, from what I've heard and read.
> As to Julio Iglesias, sans other evidence, a high Christian name DOES NOT
> indicate Jewishness.  Many Christian Spaniards were/are devoted enough to
> their religion to choose high Christian names as well, as any glance at
> historical Spanish names will tell you.  Besides, just because some
> ancestor 400 years ago was forced to or chose to take on the name of
> Iglesias (=church) DOES NOT mean that the descendent 400 years later is
> Jewish.  (If it does, we need a racial definition of Jews, which was how
> the whole mess started to begin with...)
> Jonathan
> .

Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American Studies
University of Minnesota
2106 4th St. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612 624-7840 612 626-2200 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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