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Re: june concert schedule

>In May we gave two benefit concerts for Kosovo refugees featuring music
>from our CD, "Tfile far a Tsebrokhener Velt--Prayer for a Broken World."
>Groups interested in presenting concerts for benefit of refugees and
>victims of "ethnic cleansing" are invited to contact us.  For more
>information, see:

I'm late in responding to this, but I wanted to testify to the magic of those 
benefit concerts. I caught the band most recently at a benefit for the Kosovo 
refugees here in Brookline. There is something very special about Wholesale 
Klezmer in general, but I think that Yosl's storytelling, and the way that the 
band has turned it's music into a form of t'fila, make for something unique 
(although may other bands follow this example!) and special. 

Not that the band slouches during the dance portion of its concerts! Just that 
they are doing something special, and it is worth seeing (or sponsoring, if you 
have the organizational time and energy). I'm glad other bands have been 
posting about benefits being played for the  refugees and victims in a torn 
part of the world, as well, but wanted especially to thank this band for their 
efforts over the years.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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