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Re: Jewish Liturgical Music

Abikzer, David
Sephardic Shabbat, The
BAN 15044

Gaon, Yehoram
Shabbath Songs - in the Sephardic Tradition
CBS 40-82760

Also, Renanot in Israel has an amazing line-up of the different traditions.

renanot (at) inter(dot)net(dot)il

Let us know of your finds,


At 10:28 PM 7/3/99 -0400, you wrote:
>A group from our synagogue's (Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of
>Riverdale) Havurah will meet soon to listen to melodies that we might
>introduce at our Shabbat morning services.   The Havurah members are
>accustomed to using nusah, pray without the use of musical
>instruments, and are familiar with tunes sung at Camp Ramah.
>Does anyone have suggestions of recordings that we should listen to?
>Tell us your favorites, either old (e.g., from a variety of Jewish
>traditions) or new.

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:           781-862-2432
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Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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