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PS: Sorry! (Re: Tsimbls and their kin)

Sorry, Judith!  I just read the signature on your post and saw it wasn't the 
as the sender's address.  I'd be inclined to blame the progam, but HAL, here, 
reminding me that all previous problems have been demonstrated to be the result 
human error.  I don't want to bother poor HAL too much; I suspect he's planning 
little Year 2000 party for me on the sly.  Sweet guy.  Salt of the earth.


Ilze K Mueller wrote:

> To all those who responded to my inquiry about the tsimbl and where to get 
> one:
> many many thanks for all your information.  I'm thrilled that I've finally
> acquired a santour, which I learned from all your letters
> is the same as a Jewish tsimbl.  I want to share the source  of this 
> instrument
> with anyone who might want to add one to their klezmer band.  The person to
> contact is Chris Kalogerson, 6100 Saxony Rd., Edina, MN. 55436: phone:
> 612-935-9065.  Sincerely, Judith Eisner

Owen Davidson
Amherst  Mass
The Wholesale Klezmer Band

The Toad and venomous Newt: the Serpent clothd in gems & gold:
They throw off their gorgeous raiment: they rejoice with loud jubilee
around the Wine-presses of Luvah, naked & drunk with wine.

Wm. Blake

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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