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RE: Bacharach (was: What Is Jewish Music?)

Hi all,

Some more food for thought. Perhaps an interesting distinction to consider
in this discussion is that of music by composers who happen to be Jewish
versus Jewish music. Thinking of music from these two starting points can
yield very different results. One can think of Jewish music as having
certain types of modal melodic structures, i.e., if it's in the freygish or
Ahava Rhaba mode, then it's a Jewish tune. However, Flamenco, Gypsy, Arabic
and Indian classical music also use this same scale. Thus, what makes
something written in this mode distinctly Jewish? Obviously other
considerations, including rhythmic variation, stylistic interpretation, and
even spiritual intention come into play...

When I play klezmer music, I consider that I am playing the traditional
folk music of the eastern European Ashkenazy Jews from whom I am descended.
Although I also compose much music outside the klezmer genre, and an
integral part of who I am and how I present myself in this world is Jewish,
I don't consider my own music to be particularly "Jewish music". It is
simply music, informed by a diverse set of influences, both musical and

I also think there is a tendency of any minority group (or marginalized
majority for that matter) to wish to appropriate all that it can of its'
perceived cultural heritage to instill a sense of pride. I think it's
important to be aware of this tendency, and to not fall into the trap of
appropriating someones' music as Jewish who didn't neccesarily perceive
their own work in that way. As an example, some of the great Jewish, or
women, or African-American, or gay composers/musicians/artists/writers,
etc. thought themselves to be artists first, and whatever else they were,

Hope I'm not stepping on too many toes, just my highly opinionated thoughts
on the subject :-)


McDuffee's General Store & Recording Co.
Seth Austen & Beverly Woods
3 Pork Hill Rd Ossipee, NH 03864
(603) 539-8301
acoustic (at) landmarknet(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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