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RE: Bacharach (was: What Is Jewish Music?)

Ari wrote:

> And, the more I do cross-cultural work, the less comfortable I am
> with the notion that, somehow, we Jews have an exclusive, or even
> overwhelming claim on the "outsider" franchise, and even less so
> with regards to being the only source of distinctive or unusual
> music.

Nowhere did I write that Jews had such a monopoly claim on "outsider" status
or to being the only source of distinctive or unusual music, nor did I mean
to imply it (in fact, I offered examples of non-Jewish "distinctive" music).
This thread was about "what is Jewish music" -- a perennial topic on this
list and I think one which is perfectly suited to a Jewish-music discussion
list -- and I was speaking strictly about what I saw as some distinctive
Jewish qualities of Jewish music.

I'm sorry that I left open the possibility that someone might infer from
this that therefore I believe that no other ethnic religious or racial
groups might have distinctive musics of their own. This of course would be
preposterous, and frankly I'm puzzled by the misreading -- it seems quite a
stretch based on what I wrote.

> like many people on this list, I not only don't want to argue what is
> or isn't Jewish (forgive me for this idle speculation), but am happier
> to see the definition broader, rather than narrower.

Who's arguing? I thought we were enjoying a provocative discussion of an
obvious topic for this group?

--Seth Rogovoy

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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