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RE: looking for Holocaust-related music

No, it's not. What listing is your reference from, though?

I'll alert everyone when it's out.


At 12:53 PM 6/11/99 -0400, you wrote:
>There is a new recording with the following description.   Maybe this is it:
>       Theodorakis: Ballad of Mauthausen, Epitaph, Romancero Gitano.
>       (Peter Goedhart, Wim Spruijt) 
>       Score: 100; American Record Guide; Ellis, William; 07-17-1996 
>       Size: 2K ; Reading Level: 10.
>At the Tower Record site, this is identified as:
>       Catalog: WVH 167
>       Label: Erasmus
>       Dist: n/a
>       Spars: DDD
>       Release Date: 1/1/96
>       Track Listing: 
>         Ballad of Mauthausen   (Arranged: Wim Spruyt)
>         Epitaphs (4)          (Arranged: Stanley Myers)  
>         Romancero gitano     (Arranged: Stephen Dodgson)
>Is Erasmus a German company?  Maybe this is the record you had in mind.
>From:  Joel Bresler[SMTP:jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com]
>Sent:  Friday, June 11, 1999 8:36 AM
>To:  World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject:  RE: looking for Holocaust-related music
>There is supposed to be a new CD version of the Mauthausen song cycle,
>produced by a Greek national based in Germany. It is now about 18 mos. late
>to the market. I'll let the list know when it ships, and how to order it.
>Best, Joel
>At 12:49 AM 6/11/99 , you wrote:
>>David Bloch: bloch2 (at) ccsg(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il
>>Yoel Epstein, etses gibbers consultants
>>POB 8516
>>Moshav Magshimim 56910
>>tel:  972-3-9333316
>>      972-52-333316
>>fax:  972-3-9338751
>>email:        yoel (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky [SMTP:reyzl (at) flash(dot)net]
>>Sent: a ea?e 10 1999 18:29
>>To:   World music from a Jewish slant
>>Subject:      RE: looking for Holocaust-related music
>>I just discovered that I never sent this letter out.   Wrote it 2 weeks ago.
>>Thank you Isabelle and everyone else who has written to me on 
>>and off the list with rich info.  I will follow up on each of them.  
>>At the moment I am pursuing Mikis Theodorakis's song cycle  
>>"Ballad of Mauthausen", as performed by a most extraordinary 
>>singer, Maria Farantouri.  Someone played it for me some years ago
>>and I fell in love with one of the 6 songs "The girl from Mauthausen"
>>even though I didn't understand a word of Greek or know what the 
>>topic was about.   Am trying to get my own copy so that I can 
>>upload it to my future site.  Does anyone have this music to upload?
>>Yes, Wissotsky's Tea is a great song.  This weekend we will be
>>going to a Camp Boiberik reunion, where Josh first presented
>>this  song in its English version for a skit he wrote for the 
>>teens to perform.  (He always first wrote these camp songs in 
>>Yiddish and then translated it to English.)   It has been part 
>>of the camp lore for at least 27 years.  It felt as if all 450 
>>attendants last year still remembered all the words.  Amazing.  
>>Did you record your performance?  I, for sure, would love to hear 
>>it.   I am sure Josh would too.
>>I have only heard good things about the Oxford Program and so I 
>>am sure that you will enjoy it.  I don't personally know it.
>>I am sure you will have a great summer.  
>>But Holland is not the same without Mira Rafelowicz, z"l.   
>>What a terrible tragic loss for our whole community.
>>P.S. Might you have e-mail 
>>addresses for either Mimi or David Bloch?
>>From:  IGanz[SMTP:IGanz (at) compuserve(dot)com]
>>Sent:  Friday, May 14, 1999 5:29 PM
>>To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
>>Subject:  looking for Holocaust-related music
>>Dear Reyzl,
>>You should get in touch with Mimi Stern-Wolfe, Director of Downtown Music
>>Productions, who has presented many concerts of Holocaust-related music in
>>New York.  I performed some songs written in Terezin with her in 1989. Her
>>phone is (212) 477-1594 and her fax is 477-5567.
>>A pianist/musicologist who has done a lot of research in the field is David
>>Bloch in Israel.  His address is 48/14 Ha-Emek, Kvar Sabah 44211, Israel. 
>>Phone: 972-9-767-0135.
>>By the way, I performed Josh's "Wissotsky's Tea" with "The Best Little
>>Klezmer Band in Texas".  It's a fabulous song.
>>I'll be attending the Yiddish Studies program at Oxford in July, since I
>>must be in Holland and England for concerts and workshops before and after.
>> What do you know about the program?
>>Shabbat Shalom - (I don't know Yivo's spellings for Yiddish!)
>>Isabelle Ganz
>Joel Bresler
>250 E. Emerson Rd.
>Lexington, MA 02420 USA
>Home:           781-862-2432
>Home Office:    781-862-4104
>FAX:            781-862-0498
>Cell:           781-622-0309
>Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

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