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looking for Holocaust-related music

Dear Reyzl,

You should get in touch with Mimi Stern-Wolfe, Director of Downtown Music
Productions, who has presented many concerts of Holocaust-related music in
New York.  I performed some songs written in Terezin with her in 1989. Her
phone is (212) 477-1594 and her fax is 477-5567.

A pianist/musicologist who has done a lot of research in the field is David
Bloch in Israel.  His address is 48/14 Ha-Emek, Kvar Sabah 44211, Israel. 
Phone: 972-9-767-0135.

By the way, I performed Josh's "Wissotsky's Tea" with "The Best Little
Klezmer Band in Texas".  It's a fabulous song.

I'll be attending the Yiddish Studies program at Oxford in July, since I
must be in Holland and England for concerts and workshops before and after.
 What do you know about the program?

Shabbat Shalom - (I don't know Yivo's spellings for Yiddish!)

Isabelle Ganz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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