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RE: looking for Holocaust-related music

I just discovered that I never sent this letter out.   Wrote it 2 weeks ago.

Thank you Isabelle and everyone else who has written to me on 
and off the list with rich info.  I will follow up on each of them.  

At the moment I am pursuing Mikis Theodorakis's song cycle  
"Ballad of Mauthausen", as performed by a most extraordinary 
singer, Maria Farantouri.  Someone played it for me some years ago
and I fell in love with one of the 6 songs "The girl from Mauthausen"
even though I didn't understand a word of Greek or know what the 
topic was about.   Am trying to get my own copy so that I can 
upload it to my future site.  Does anyone have this music to upload?

Yes, Wissotsky's Tea is a great song.  This weekend we will be
going to a Camp Boiberik reunion, where Josh first presented
this  song in its English version for a skit he wrote for the 
teens to perform.  (He always first wrote these camp songs in 
Yiddish and then translated it to English.)   It has been part 
of the camp lore for at least 27 years.  It felt as if all 450 
attendants last year still remembered all the words.  Amazing.  
Did you record your performance?  I, for sure, would love to hear 
it.   I am sure Josh would too.

I have only heard good things about the Oxford Program and so I 
am sure that you will enjoy it.  I don't personally know it.
I am sure you will have a great summer.  

But Holland is not the same without Mira Rafelowicz, z"l.   
What a terrible tragic loss for our whole community.


P.S. Might you have e-mail 
addresses for either Mimi or David Bloch?

From:  IGanz[SMTP:IGanz (at) compuserve(dot)com]
Sent:  Friday, May 14, 1999 5:29 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:  looking for Holocaust-related music

Dear Reyzl,

You should get in touch with Mimi Stern-Wolfe, Director of Downtown Music
Productions, who has presented many concerts of Holocaust-related music in
New York.  I performed some songs written in Terezin with her in 1989. Her
phone is (212) 477-1594 and her fax is 477-5567.

A pianist/musicologist who has done a lot of research in the field is David
Bloch in Israel.  His address is 48/14 Ha-Emek, Kvar Sabah 44211, Israel. 
Phone: 972-9-767-0135.

By the way, I performed Josh's "Wissotsky's Tea" with "The Best Little
Klezmer Band in Texas".  It's a fabulous song.

I'll be attending the Yiddish Studies program at Oxford in July, since I
must be in Holland and England for concerts and workshops before and after.
 What do you know about the program?

Shabbat Shalom - (I don't know Yivo's spellings for Yiddish!)

Isabelle Ganz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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