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Re: Contact Us (fwd) - Zaide

If I remember correctly this song is by Piamenta, and at least fifteen
years old.  Unfortunately I no longer have the tape.  It's a very moving
song, and many of the others on the tape are good too.

Rochel Sara Heckert

>My name is Tony Walt and I live in Johannesburg South Africa
>I sincerely hoe you can help me, I have been looking for words to a
>particular song that I heard some time back and have been unable to 
>them .The song is called "Zaide" I cannot remember the words, but the 
>goes something like "Zaide made us laugh and Zaide made is cry, and 
>made a Kiddusch Friday night, and Zaide oh my Zaide how I love him 
>I know that this must sound like an unusual request,  but your help in 
>way would really be greatly appreciated.
>Tony Walt
>The Internet Solution - Infrastructure
>Tel:   (011) 283-5125
>Fax:   (011) 283-5001
>Cell:  083-326-3456
>e-mail: tony (at) is(dot)co(dot)za

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