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Re: My Zayde

Hi Mike and list,

Mike, you're right and I was wrong - it *was* Megama.  Is it still
possible to get that tape?

The hazards of hitting the "send" key too hastily....


Rochel Sara Heckert

On Thu, 25 Feb 1999 17:04:52 EST KLEZMER313 (at) aol(dot)com writes:
>My Zayde was written by Moshe Yess, I believe, and the original 
>recording was
>made by his, now defunct, duo "Megama"
>Dudu FIsher has recorded it as has Cantor Farkas of Australia.  Both 
>of these
>recordings are all right, but the original is the best.....the style 
>replicated by Fisher or Farkas.
>mike eisenstadt

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