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Re: ladino translations

>I am teaching an Adult Beginning Hebrew class. One of my students is a
>singer who has a good-sized collection of sheet music, some in Hebrew, some
>in Yiddish, some in Ladino.
>She wants to have it translated. I know who to send her to for Hebrew and
>Yiddish translation, but I'm not aware of anybody locally who reads Ladino.

I'm not sure of the Ladino community in Centralia, Washington, but
would guess that there would be some good resources in the Seattle
area, at the furthest. Is there a directory of Sephardic community
organizations, or a Ladino-speakers umbrella such as YIVO or Workmen's

Ladino is vaguely to Spanish as Yiddish is to German, so just having
a dictionary would be unlikely to yield useful results (esp. with
poetry) as would be gotten from someone who speaks the language; if
such a person can be found. My impression was that there are differences 
between the languages (Ladino and Spanish) greater than vocabulary.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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