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Re: Peretz short story

Apparently, the Liptzin translation is also available in a bilingual
version.  Does anyone have a suggestion as to which one I should
buy -- the Liptzin or Katz collection?

Peretz, Isaac Loeb:  PERETZ
Translated and Edited by Sol Liptzin (Yivo Bilingual Series)
This volume contains selected tales and essays of Isaac Loeb Peretz
(1851-1915), considered one of the shining lights of the literary
heritage of Jewry in Eastern Europe. Peretz, born in Poland,
experienced all the ferment and restlessness that swept Jewish life
from the mid-nineteenth century until the First World War. Reared in
the Orthodox tradition, he tasted the freedom of the Enlightenment or
Haskala and, to some extent, was influenced by Jewish Romanticism or
Hassidism. He participated in the rejuvenation of Hebrew and led the
movement for the elevation and purification of the Yiddish tongue.
Peretz was the tribune of the Jewish people, the voice of their
conscience. It is not surprising that a hundred thousand Jews marched
through the streets of Warsaw in 1915 to pay him final tribute on the
day of his demise. The selections in this volume demonstrate his
idealism and messianic spirit. Partial contents: Seven Years of
Plenty; Beside the Dying; Migrations of a Melody; Poets, Books, and
Readers; Escaping Jewishness; Kabbalists; Four Generations -- Four
LC 72-5689 1947
ISBN: 0836981375 $23.95


-----Original Message-----
From: Bloom <bloom (at) gis(dot)net>
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: Peretz short story

>"Migrations of a Melody" is also in the collection
>Stories From Peretz
>Translated and edited by Sol Liptzin
>Hebrew Publishing Company, New York, 1947
>Jacob Bloom
>>Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 22:20:51 -0500
>>To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>>From: a bisl yidishkayt <klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com>
>>Subject: Re: Peretz short story
>>>I've read, perhaps here, about an I.L. Peretz short story
>>>"A Gilgul fun a Nigun" perhaps translated into English as
>>>"Migrations of a Melody".
>>>What I read sounded fascinating  (the tale of a tune's travels?),
>>>I don't believe that it's in my Yiddish in English collections (The
>>>I.L. Peretz Reader -- is it "The Misssing Melody"? or A Treasury of
>>>Yiddish Stories).  Can anyone tell me where I can find it in
>>>and, while we're at it, in the original for when I learn Yiddish?
>>This is indeed a wonderful story and has a few references to
>then-intergenerational musical preferences/playing.  I certainly wish
>could hear what Peretz heard when he wrote this story.
>>It is available - in Yiddish and English translation in:
>>        Yistskhok Leybush Peretz: Selected Stories, Bilingual
>Trnaslation and Introduction by Eli Katz.  Zhitlowsky Foundation for
>Culture, New York, 1991.  (Katz' English translation of the title is
>Metamorphoses of a Melody")
>a bisl yidishkayt
jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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