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Re: 2 interesting items on the Sefarad mailing list

In a message dated 2/3/99 3:59:18 AM, you wrote:

<<I agree with Joel, get the Weich-Shahak "real thing" compilations; Ruth
Yacov is good but I have some reservations. But with all these, DON'T FORGET
MOROCCAN JUDEO-SPANISH component, as all these recordings blithely do (and the
majority of lists, except one, etc). Weich-Shahak has a similar Moroccan
compilation recording and there is Yurchenco's great old one, on Folkways ,

We have been carrying these recordings all the while. They are imports from
Spain and though not easy to bring in (DON'T ASK!) they are fine recordings.
Hatikvah-Ladino -Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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