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Re: Klezmer Bluegrass Fusion

>Someone on the list mentioned the Bad Livers' Klezmer-Bluegrass cut on their
>new disc.  I checked it out and it is excellent in their special irreverent
>style.  Does anyone know if they have done other klezmer tunes?  Also, does
>Mark Rubin's Klezmer band, or the Austin Klezmorim, make this kind of fusion?
>Anyone looking for excellent klezmer-oldtime country fusion should try the
>Freilachmakers Klezmer String band out of Sacramento.  They meld the the two
>styles extremely well.

I was just going to mention the Freilachmakers when you beat me to it!

The Winnipeg group, Finjan, has a lovely bluegrass/klez piece on their
CD, "Crossing Selkirk Ave." (which is wonderful for klez, as well).


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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