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Re: Klezmer Bluegrass Fusion

>Someone on the list mentioned the Bad Livers' Klezmer-Bluegrass cut on their
>new disc.  I checked it out and it is excellent in their special irreverent
>style.  Does anyone know if they have done other klezmer tunes?

Not yet. With as many Yids as we have in the forefront of this genre, I
tried to interest several prominent Bluegrass labels in a "JewGrass"
concept recording. But nobody expressed any interest in it. Guess I'll have
to do it myself.

>Also, does Mark Rubin's Klezmer band make this kind of fusion?

As for my little group, nope. Do mess around a bit with Persian Oudist on
Terkische/Taxim on our new CD, but nothing off the chart.

Am actively looking for a hamische Bob Dunn, however. You can't properly
field a proper band in Texas with out fiddle AND steel.

Mark Rubin

POB 49227
Austin TX  USA  78765-9227
-Bad Livers, Inc.
"Soon, we will eat again..."   -A wise old Mexican man.

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