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Re: [Fwd: Re: Correction (long)]

1) What advertisement? Where's the advertisement? I don't get it.

2) I think Lori is on the money with what the sages say about the purpose
of the yetzer ha'ra in the world. 

3) Music has a tendency to evolve. A rhythm can have it's source anywhere-
waves lapping against the beach, crickets chirping, sex, or machinery. It
ain't where it comes from- it's what you can do with it. The absorption of
western dance rhythms into Ashkenazic Jewish music, no matter the source of
those rhythms, seems to have already happened- probably already back in the
20's, but certainly by the time Mickey Katz did his thing. So there's no
point trying to fight it.

4) The brain is the most erogenous zone of all.


At 11:38 PM 1/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Owen Davidson wrote:
>> Thanks for that insight Lori!
>> Owen
>An insight wrapped in a self-serving, chauvinstic advertisement.
>> Lori Lippitz (MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com) wrote:
>> the
>> > mystics teach that the yeitzer hara (the inclination to evil) is the
>> > force of human nature--so we understand that the sexual urge can be
>> > base and animalistic or as holy as the original act of creation.  My
>> > with pop rhythms for Jewish dance music is that they are associated
with the
>> > former--as you say, sex in a hedonistic society. 
>This smacks of the  same argument put forth by racist Bible-thumpers in
>the "Fifties in an attempt to suppres that "evil, N-word bop" and is
>still being used by repressive, reactionary groups like the Taliban in
>Afghanistan today.  
>I cannot buy the argument that one set of musical rhythms (pop) can be
>associated with  "base and animalistic" sex,  while another set (klezmer
>dance music)  contains sexual rhythms "of a different kind", "holy". 
>The music is either sexual or not.  What "kind" (of sex) is, to quote
>the George Harrison character in Yellow Submarine,  "all in the head".
>Down with musical eugenics!
>Darkendofthe St.

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