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[Fwd: Re: Correction (long)]

MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> I agree that rock/disco styles have that sexual pulse.  But in my opinion,
> it's not as driving or earthy as the traditional freilechs rhythm, which I
> find much more soulfully sexual. 
 That's why I'm disappointed that the
> Chassidic community seems to prefer the pop rhythms rather than the klezmer
> beat.  Now let me take my tongue a little out of my cheek and add that the
> mystics teach that the yeitzer hara (the inclination to evil) is the driving
> force of human nature--so we understand that the sexual urge can be either
> base and animalistic or as holy as the original act of creation.  My problem
> with pop rhythms for Jewish dance music is that they are associated with the
> former--as you say, sex in a hedonistic society.  But please don't read the
> sex out of my klezmer music!  It's just a different type.  We may wish to be
> pure, but not Puritans.
> Lori Lippitz
> Maxwell St.

It's good that you wrote that your tongue was in your cheek.
While  <freylekhs> may be joyful and life-affirming,  they are hardly
Try making love with klezmer music playing in the background. 
But have your chiropractor on standby.

I don't understand what you mean by "a different type" (of sex).
Would you care to elaborate?  

Also, it is erroneous ( and unfair) to lump "rock/disco" in with
(classic) rock 'n roll (essentially white rhythm 'n blues).

It was Jewish DJ Alan Freed, by the way, who coined the term "rock 'n
roll".  As many people on this list would know, iut is a euphemism for
the sex act, taken from the  Black vernacular  of the times, as
expressed in rhythm 'n blues lyrics.  ("Rock with me, Annie, Roll me all
night long").

 Some multinational corporation came up with "rock" as an all-inclusive 
marketing tool for their often-but-not-always-shlocky (shlockish?) pop

Of  "disco", I  <voudn't even speak>;  feh! 

Lonely St.

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