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[Fwd: Re: Correction]

Eliezer Kaplan wrote:
> Okay. I give up. I'm wrong and all you folks who've disagreed with me are
> right- I was just sitting here, softly humming 'Sunshine of Your Love' to
> myself, and tapping out the hedonistic, horny 4/4 rock rhythm on the desk,
> and my wife couldn't handle it any more, and just grabbed me. Also, our two
> cats, who normally hate each other, started pitching woo by their food
> bowls. I guess the Chassidim like secular music because they want to have
> many children.
>                                 EK

One of the Black man's greatest contributions to world civilization is 
blues music, from which jazz, rock n roll and other music derive.
Barrelhouse and jazz was born in  bordello (or sportin' house) parlors,
both to complement and stimulate the upstairs activities.

The fact that rock n roll has been embraced around the world (even where
it was strenuously banned) is a testament to its wide and irresistible
Much of this appeal has to do with its inherent sexual rhythms, since
people everywhere enjoy sex.

Khsidic youth,  living in a sex-repressive/sex-restrictive environment,
cannot help but to respond to "the beat", because the music simply feels
good and provides an acceptable  form of  psycho-sexual release.  

I havn't been to one, but I read that there are now khsidic "raves",
parties  driven by loud "rock"Ýmusic.    I'm sure its not only Moshiakh
that's on the minds of the ravers.  This is a way for people who do not
normally question their lives, to rebel.  Young people everywhere want
the same thing:   their own style of fun.  And "everybody knows what
happens when you start having too much fun" (Rick Danko:  The Last

The "woo" should come off with a little salt and vinegar.

Wolf Krakowski

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