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Re: Jews and Christians

I don't know how I missed this when it was posted, I guess it was in the middle
of a bunch of posts I was muddling through, but well said, Ingemar!


Ingemar Johansson wrote:

> Not being a Jew myself I would like to state this. Of all the institutions
> of christianity the churches (catholics and protestants alike) are the
> worst ones: these organisations have always willingly served oppressors,
> have lent themselves to this very task - Luther actively taking part in the
> crushing of the German Peasants Revolt in the 16th century and at the same
> time spouting about the rights of the little man (his modern followers are
> hypocrits of the same kind - believe me, I have to live with their
> stupidity every day), the Russian Orthodox Church as a mainspring for
> pogroms, the Catholic Church's pursuit of dissenters and its neurotic
> fright of  the living forces as such from the very start until today. The
> (religious and political) rulers of christianity have as much blood on
> their hands as Hitler and Stalin together (who actually shouldn't be
> regarded as christians - both of them tried to replace conventional
> religion with their own brand, although the unquestionable submission to
> authority is one and the same). It's all an endless and disgusting list...
> Someone here told about "his" invention to replace "Jesus" with "cheeses"
> and "Christ" with "nice" when performing before christians. With all due
> respect I cannot help but think of the German who in between the wars
> shouted "Heil Mittler!" (conveniently meaning "Long live the mediator!"),
> and then some years later wondered a little why some of his neighbours
> disappeared so "mysteriously". Of course, he himself was not to blame as he
> hadn't ever praised a mean man.
> We all have to compromise at times. But that doesn't mean that we should
> make a virtue out of it.
> Her nor,
> Ingemar J.

Owen Davidson
Amherst  Mass
The Wholesale Klezmer Band

The Angel that presided o'er my birth
Said Little creature formd of Joy and Mirth
Go Love without the help of any King on Earth

Wm. Blake

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