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Re: Jews and Christians

Hope you don't mind this question, but I've given it considerable thought.
When I joined Jewish music... it was because music truly is my very core.  At
the beginning, I learned much, and really have enjoyed the info received.  But
here's my question.  Is it my imagination, or has the purpose of this site
changed?  I pose this question because in the past few weeks, I have been
reading about who should/should not be singing Jewish and Christian music;
Jewish and Christian debates going back to Luther (and not Van Dross, mind
you)!  Dating, mating, dreidles, cradles and even a few fatals.  Now, I try to
relate all of this to music, especially Sephardic, Ladino, etc...Yiddish,
etc,...   So as these weeks have gone on, I have missed articles and suggested
music (Hatikva Records, etc.), and this morning awoke to the subject of who
should be singing Jewish and Christian music (again)! I have never been big on
computer chatting, etc., but on a whim I made the mistake of saying that I
don't think that this is the best forum for these discussions. How can an
argument about Perry Como be the pinnicle of a person's day?

OE, if you saw what came back in terms of responses you wouldn't have believed
it. I was deluged with more than 80 messages. For a moment, I was thinking
that I didn't say anything so profound that it should elicit 80 messages, but
what do I know?  The responses were so negative and ugly. I even got a few
from major historians who informed me that the SS sang "Silent Night" when
Jews were "being burned..."
I know that my dad lost most of his family in various camps, so I was not
unaware. But I never suggested that my comment about being less judgmental was
not intended to receive such a flurry of undeserved and ugly commentary.  

So, I am just letting you know my opinion. But please don't print this out to
the entire world, or I may have to relocate (ha). I think that there is a
world of music that holds a culture together, and I would hate that to get
lost in a battle of wills about who should date, mate, sing with, or without,
etc. Thanks for taking the time to readthis.   LL, Ph.D. (enitt (at) 

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