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In a message dated 12/21/1998 9:09:16 PM Central Standard Time,
IGanz (at) compuserve(dot)com writes:

<< Right on, Lori!
 It would be lovely if we would cease to "out" our elected representatives
 for their private peccadillos but begin to "out" unscrupulous businesses
 like Global Village Music, which has cheated most of its artists out of
 their earned royalties.  ALHAMBRA and the MAXWELL ST. KLEZMER BAND are but
 two of its victims.  Any more out there?
 Isabelle Ganz
 Director, ALHAMBRA >>

Yes...I'll email you privately, Isabelle, but I don't know if they would like
their names published.  There are 15 I know of, and probably more I don't.
It's a sad thing, because the label claims to be devoted to klezmer and
Sephardic music while systematically screwing the musicians who devote their
careers to reviving this music.  

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