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Re: it's December, it's Kislev

Yankl,  your eloquence regarding this matter is one of things that made
me proud to be your room mate at Klezkamp in '93.
Keep on Puttin' It In Perspective
(Who cares what that disturbed Cathy Gifford says about the significance
of coloured Channukah candles....)
Your Pal,
Shlomo Volf

Jack Falk wrote:

> Chaverim:
> This ongoing discussion has touched a very raw nerve for many.
> As someone who has lived all of his life in smaller diaspora
> communities - Norwalk CT, Humboldt County CA, Portland OR -
> I know something about accommodating to a holiday season that
> isn't mine.  Fifty years of Christmas lights, big trees and
> nativity scenes in public places, carols from every direction,
> the Nutcracker or Handel's Messiah in almost every performance
> space.  In deepest golus, we don't expect to find Jewish
> newspapers at the newsstand, hear strangers speaking Yiddish
> or Hebrew, buy our kids a decent kosher pastrami sandwich, or
> experience any of the other visible signs that Jews Live Here
> Too.  In smaller communities, we either either work hard -
> individually and/or communally - to create a meaningful Jewish
> experience in our own lives, or we vanish altogether.
> Having said all of this, I hope that we can soon move forward
> with our lively consideration of Jewish music - the reason
> that we all subscribe to this list.  Can we please leave the
> issues of Christmas/holiday/etc. music to our non-Jewish friends?
> That's their mishegass - we have plenty of our own.  This isn't
> our time of year, and we don't need to apologize for anything.
> There's plenty else for us to discuss.  I look forward to more
> postings that have to do with _Jewish_ music.
> Thanks, and a happy Chanukah to all of us!
> Yankl
> 503-452-3882/voice
> 503-452-7652/fax
> jackfalk (at) teleport(dot)com

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