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re: Jews and Christmas music

Dear List-Members:

I received a few pieces of private mail regarding my earlier posting as
to why I feel it is not appropriate for Jewish people to hire themselves
out to sing Christian holiday music in a church.  Perhaps the following
will help underscore the point I am trying to make and perhaps make
people better understand the feelings surrounding this issue by Shoa
survivors, their families and other Jewish people.

For about fifteen years, up until her death in 1990, I enjoyed a close
friendship with  Sarah Nomberg-Przytyk.  As an Auschwitz inmate, her
"job" was that of secretary to the infamous Nazi monster (makh shimoy)
Josef Mengele.
In her book, "Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land", she
describes how, at Christmastime, the S.S. officers would sing "Silent
Night" and other Christmas Carols in the shadow of the crematoria.

Where are your warm and fuzzy feelings at now?

Wolf Krakowski

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