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Chanukah Song

This is a little late,but there is an absolutely hysterical and wonderful
Chanukah Rap song, "Hanukkah Homeboy" by Doc Mo She'.
The song, 5 min. long, unfortunately  only comes on a cassette single(same
song on both sides).  This is a very good rap melody, and the lyrics are not
only VERY funny, but present a very "hip" Jewish lyric without any put downs.

There was a video of the tune which the artist didn't want to release because
he felt that "no one would buy a 5 min. video". After watching the video I
told him that if he released it, I would distribute it.  After much
'kvetching' I got him to run off 1000 videos. We sold 500 in 2 weeks.
Unfortunately, it is no longer available. Maybe I can convince him to release
it again next year.


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