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More on Governess

A question for those who see Ofra Haza as a poor choice for this music.  

It seems that the Sephardic music scene, at least in the US, is full of
Ashkenazi Jews who are wearing cooler Jewish outfits and getting into the
music in a serious way.  While the difference between Mizrachi and Sephardic
music is significant, much of the Jewish music world generally is a mixed up
place where a tremendous amount of beautiful and exciting music is being made.
To my ear, Ofra Haza's singing fit well with the music.  Her biography is

Anyone looking for a Morrocan take on music from Andalusia should check out
Amina Alaoui disc Alcantara.  It's great.  Most of the music is traditional
stuff in Arabic, with a few cuts in French and one "Batahouvat El Qama
Bachahar" in Ladino (probably).  Its a testament to the "Why cant we all just
get along" attitude of Andalusia.

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