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barmitzvah tune

Please can anyone suggest songs or tunes specific to barmitzvah or rites of
I was asked this question by a father attending a klezmer workshop I gave
recently. He is learning to play clarinet so that he can play something
special for his son's barmitzvah.
My experience playing for bar or batmitzvahs has generally been for
cocktails, dancing etc and I can only think of a few barmitzvahs with
ritual - special music sections. This is in contrast to chuppahs.
any suggestions welcome 

Ernie Gruner 
2 Cole Crescent, East Coburg 3058, Victoria,  AUSTRALIA   (Melbourne)
E-mail: erniegru (at) mira(dot)net
INTERNATIONAL: Phone 61 3 9386 7108   or 61 3 9386 0947
                                Fax      61 3 9386 7108   Mobile  0418 549 631


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