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RE: Peisachke Burstein


I'll go you one better. I know nothing about him at all (nor his
offspring nor his spouse). A quick check of the Internet doesn't reveal
anything either. Could you give me some info about him? A brief bio?

A dank.


>From:  Farfl's House[SMTP:farfl (at) idirect(dot)ca]
>Sent:  Friday, August 14, 1998 10:44 AM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant.
>Subject:       Peisachke Burstein
>Hi, Everyone!
>What's Nu?
>I've been collecting Peisachke Burstein's recordings for years, but I
>know nothing about him. Anyone know if he's still alive? I know that
>Susan Roth is his daughter, and Michael Burstyn his son. I know he was
>married to Lillian Lux.
>Are there any photos readily available?
>Movie appearances?
>Anyone know anything about "Megilla Of Itzik Manger"?
>I'd appreciate any help!
>Steven "Grasping At Straws" Lederman

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