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Re: Mikveh Music

>At 06:40 PM 8/1/98 EDT, Maxwell Street wrote:
>>The group is comprised of four of Klezdom's best female player/performers:
>>fiddler Alicia Svigals of The Klezmatics, clarinetist Margot Leverett of
>>Boston's Klezmer Conservatory Band (KCB), vocalist Adrienne Cooper of Kapelye
>>and accordion player Lauren Brody, a member of the Klezmer trio Freylekh,
>>Freylekh and a veteran of the Bulgarian music scene. All thewomen live in New
>>York City.
>I mean no offense to Margot, but the clarinet in the Klezmer Conservatory
>Band is wielded by the green-eyed goddess of the reeds, Ilene Stahl.

I agree with you that Ilene Stahl is extraordinary (and note that
your own band contains an outstanding clarinet player). We could
(and have, if memory serves) mention many other good to great to
amazing clarinet players, playing today.

Leverett, at the Mikveh debut performances, was that good, if not better. 

Imho (in my humble opinion),

Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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