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Re: Mikveh Music and Svigals "Fidl" band and circumcision

Re: below
I just read this paragraph to my friend who is a female and a
gynecologist (who by the way performs many Kosher circumcisions) and she
informed me that the first circumcision was done by Ziporah --Moses
wife-- on her two sons--who at this time are still nameless.

Ari Davidow  said

>  Towards the end of the set, California juggler Sara Felder
>  came on stage to perform her juggling poem, "circumcision,"
>  a poem musing about the ritual, performed whilst juggling
>  three large, sharp knives. In its own way, this, too, reminded
>  us that to play with such fire, and such passion, the music has
>  to have meaning; it has to come from the heart, and one's
>  entire being. That is "Mikveh."

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