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Integrating Jewish Music / Culture into the Establishment

Hi-- just thought I'd vent to my favorite group of people about my
experience at the United Jewish Appeal Young Leadership Conference in
Washington DC a few weeks ago.  UJA is the main funding body for the Jewish
Federations of the US & Canada.

Actually, the conference had great energy--3000 delegates roughly from ages
25-40 from all over North America.  Al Gore spoke, and there were
interesting sessions on Israeli policy / domestic affairs / Jewish
Federation issues / and even spirituality.

However-- distinct lack of Jewish cultural programming.  The only thing
that came close was a concert by the Israeli pop star Noa (most of her
tunes didn't sound particularly Jewish, even when sung in Hebrew).  

Also in some unscientific sampling done amongst delegates, I don't think
even 25% of the people I spoke to had ever heard of klezmer music.  

I have had similar experiences with the folks here in the Buffalo Jewish
community in terms of lack of awareness of what delightful things are
happening in the New Yiddish Culture movement / klezmer revival / etc.  

How can we better integrate the Jewish establishment in what we're all
about?  I think, there's a willingness on their part (partly out of
desperation because there's a sense that Judaism isn't competing too well
in the "cultural marketplace"). 

Thanks I feel better for getting this out.  Does anyone have any ideas? 
Ari-- I apologize if this isn't close enough to our topic, but I thought
people in the list might have an interesting perspective.

Pete Rushefsky
218 Lexington Ave.
Buffalo, NY  14222
716-857-4481 (w)
716-883-5938 (h)
rushefsky (at) healthcareplan(dot)org

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