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Re: Integrating Jewish Music / Culture into the Establishment

Whoops! Sorry. Meant to send this one privately!


On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, the Cheshire Cat wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Bob Jacobson wrote:
> > Bob Jacobson
> > 
> > p.s. I'm hoping our upcoming CD "Klez, Kez, Goy mit Fez" turns more area
> > people on to us and onto klezmer in general. It's due out in early June,
> > and is turning out pretty good for a bunch of hacks from the Midwest.
> I hope you still have me on your list to send a promo copy! Keep me up to
> date - I'm looking forward to finally hearing the music produced by a band
> with such a great name!
> (Address:
> Alana Suskin
> P.O. Box 91
> College Park, MD 20741)
> Alana Suskin

Nothin' but the grin,
Alana Suskin

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