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Dear Jewish-Music-List-Members:

I would like to announce my new webpage devoted to Jewish Music. I'm
calling it the Jewish Music WebCenter. (JMWC).  The JMWC attempts to bring
an academic perspective to Jewish Music on the web. The JMWC will bring
together a wide variety of Jewish Music.

The mission of the JMWC is:
"to provide a forum for gathering and presenting information on academic,
organizational, and personal activities in Jewish music today. Information
is provided to encourage and support the enjoyment, study, creation and
pursuit of knowledge of Jewish music." 

Currently there are annotations for over 75 websites of interest in Jewish
Music and over 40 selected print reference sources which are directly
linked to the online catalog of Brandeis University Libraries, (called
LOUIS). The website list is cross indexed and available by subject or
title. There is a bibliography entitled "Starting Research in Jewish Music."

Websites were chosen for a variety of practical interests in Jewish music:
such as "Getting to the Music" which includes sites that lead to,
"Obtaining Recordings", "Publishers" for obtaining scores, "Online Music"
for digitized sound or score,  websites of "Performing Groups" and "Radio
Programs" and sites that include "Concert Schedules". Other sections of the
JMWC include: "Reviews": both recording and performance reviews of Jewish
music; sites for "Conferences", "Organizations", "Festivals" and "Places to
Study". There are also links to some Israeli popular music sites and a few
Israeli academic sites.

The JMWC does not attempt to be all inclusive, but is selective. Listings
are annotated, described or reviewed.

The URL:

Please send any comments to me directly (fertig (at) brandeis(dot)edu) and I 
endeavor to make additions and updates (or corrections if necesssary) as I
can. The format of the bibliography page is based on the style of the short
subject guides at the Brandeis Libraries, under "Finding What You Need." 

Judy Fertig
Reference Librarian
Brandeis University
Goldfarb Library MS045
415 South Street                                phone:(617-736-4705)
Waltham, MA 02254-9110                  email: fertig (at) brandeis(dot)edu

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