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Re: FW: clarinet music

Hope Ehn Dennis Ehn <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com> wrote:

> "And the Angels Sing" is a THIRD GENERATION production, in a manner of
> speaking. The tune was first recorded by Harry Kandel as an instrumental
> about the end of World War I. Then someone put Yiddish words (title
> something like "Die Naye Sher" -- see the Conservatory Klezmer Band's
> first recording) to the tune. The English followed, probably in the 30's. 
I forget where I saw this (I think it is Martin Schwartz's notes to 
the Folk-Lyric LP of reissues), but it was stated that this was 
derived or related to or the same as the Romanian tune "Sarba 'n 
carutza," but this is clearly not the case.  This tune (as played 
today) is a descriptive or programmatic tune which portrays the 
arrival and departure of a horse-drawn carriage and bears no melodic 
resemblance.  My Romanian friends didn't know it, although one time 
they picked it up pretty fast, and it does sound like a sarba.  Can 
anyone confirm the existence of a "Sarba 'n carut(s)a" that's similar?

Paul Gifford

Paul Gifford

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