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Re: Cimbalom

Thanks, Paul.  It's good to have that information.  The only actual santur
I've had in my hands, though, was a very small and exquisite instrument that
came to me for tuning.  It was strung with double courses.  The owner had
found it in a flea market and she had fallen in love with the instrument in
its fitted case with its delicate little hammers.  That's another
difference: the hammers are so light that the playing style doesn't involve
rebounding the hammers off of the strings.


At 01:41 PM 3/31/98 EDT, Paul Gifford wrote:

>Most Iranian santurs have four strings per course, but you've pointed
>out the significant difference with the intervals.  The 
>Kashmiri/Indian ones are larger, but are made with two strings per 
>course (I've got one, but I confess I haven't looked at it in a 
        Owen Davidson, Amherst, Mass.
        The Wholesale Klezmer Band

        The Angel that presided o'er my birth
        Said Little creature formd of Joy and Mirth,
        Go love without the help of any King on Earth. 

                                Wm. Blake       

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