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Les Yeux Noirs

Hello All,

My name is Yaron Hallis, and I present "The Hot Club" -  a Sydney-based radio 
show devoted to Gypsy & klezmer music from around the world. As a result of a 
recent trip to France, I have discovered the most extra-ordinary French group, 
that plays a combination of gipsy/klezmer music. They are called "Les Yeux 
Noirs", and they have 3 albums out:

A Band Of Gypsies

As an ardant fan of Easten European music, in its many shapes & forms, its is 
my hope that this emphatic  recommendation will lead some of you on this list 
towards the exquisite & moving music of "Le Yeux Noir"!!

Best wishes,
Yaron Hallis
thehotclub (at) hotmail(dot)com(dot)au

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