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Peter L's arrest: correction & web sites

Follow-up to previous.

>Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 18:08:06 -0500
>From: Sandra Layman <sandl (at) compuserve(dot)com>
>I just noticed a spelling error in the message I forwarded earlier:
>       <Also polite e-mails or telegrams to Slobadon
>> Milosovic requesting release of the delegation would be helpful.  His
>> address is:  slobodan(dot)milosevic (at) gov(dot)yu, fax number is
>> or (682) or (167).>
>I think it might be looked on more kindly if the name were spelled
>It should be Slobodan Milosevic (as in the actual e-mail address above).
>Also, I haven't tried these yet, but here are two web sites which should
>have the latest news:
>[Kosova Crisis Center (KCC)]
>[the Kosova Information Center in Prishtina]
>Thanks again,

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