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different tunes

Here is a naive question:

Let's say a synagogue aquires a new cantor. The new cantor comes in with,
presumably, an already established repertoire of liturgical melodies.
However, the congregation probably already has an established tradition of
customary melodies which may coincide with the cantor's to some degreee,
but probably not 100%.

How do they work this out? Is this a question that is dealt with in
interviewing potential cantors?

Also, what about Torah trop? I know that my rabbi (who learned trop in
Reconstructionist rabbinical school) taught me a Torah trop that agrees
about 80% with other Torah trops I've heard in Conservative shuls in
Seattle. I'm not sure how they compare with East Coast or MidWest Torah

What if a person goes, as one of several layeners (Torah readers),  to a
shul that has slightly different trop? For example, the person is asked to
prepare to layn (read Torah) at a  relative's Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Is s/he
expected to use the trop system I learned or the one used there?

 How about if a knowledgable lay person is hired to lead one Shabbat
service for a congregation? SHould s/he learn to layn like a native?

How about if a new cantor is hired for a congregation? SHould s/he be
expected to layn like a native? Even if the local trop minhag (custom) is
different than the cantor's formal training? Which way should s/he teach
B'nei Mitzvah students?


Amy Loewenthal
Math Tutor Coordinator
Student Support Services

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