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Re: SV: Reply to Gerben Z and others

Dear Ingemar,
        By the way, I did a lot of computer software support with Swedish 
agents.  Their emails came across as very hostile, yet when we met in 
person at conferences, the authors of those emails were actually quite 
charming.  There were several other countries that were quite similar.

        As to the substance of your comments, I know little about the 
subeject matter and I think it's wonderful that people can disagree 
passionately regarding their interpretations.

        Re: critics in general, it would be most helpful if they 
illustrated why they felt something was lacking in a performace with a 
contrasting example of something they did like.

        For example, I don't like historical fictions that present 
themselves as fact such as Oliver Stone's version of the Kennedy 
assissination.  Rather, IMHO, they should be more clearly fictionalized for 
example, Citizen Kane.

        So any critic can say they didn't like a style or a performacne, 
but what do they like instead?  When they answer that sincerely, then the 
criticism is informational and instructional to the readers and the 
performers.  otherwise, the criticsm can devolve into a personal diatribe.

Happy Shushan Purim

Rich Wolpoe

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: SV: Reply to Gerben Z and others  
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at Tcpgate
Date:    3/13/98 11:45 AM

Dear Richard:

My gloves are just collecting dusts, these times. Ingemar Johansson is a 
quite common name in Western Sweden, by the way.

Well, if you yourself and others have calmed down by now, I beg you to 
reread my former sendings and discuss the matters involved, not the person. 
It's up to your good will, I guess. I herewith show mine.

Keep cool,

> Från: richard_wolpoe (at) ibi(dot)com
> Till: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org> 
> Ämne: Re: Reply to Gerben Z and others 
> Datum:  den 13 mars 1998 17:15
> Dear Ingemar Johanssohn,
>         I think that the real reason peopl are uspet is that they are 
> intimidated by the former world heavywieght boxing champion and are 
> you might beat us all up!
>         On a more serious note, the reason people objected, IMHO was due 

> to the TONE of your letter NOT to your right to disagree with Ari.  This 
> might be a cultural thing, but most of the list felt so offended by the 
> things were stated that they ignored the content of WHAT was stated. 
>         I am reminded of a cute anecdote from American baseball.  An 
umpire made
> a very controversial call, and the manager of the offended home team went 
out to
> "protest".  Being that he agreed with the umpire he couldn't oppose him 
> literally, but he felt obligated to "act out" a protest on behalf of the 
> fans.  So he shouted at the top of his lungs using his most belligerent 
> language: " I AGREE with you!  You're ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!..etc".  Well the 
> perceived this as a protest even though he literally was agreeing, and 
> umpire (probably dumbfounded by the entire scenario) did not eject him 
> the words were technically appropriate.  But the crowd DID miss the point 
> that he agreed) because of the WAY he presented his agreement. 
> Happy Shushan Purim
> Rich Wolpoe
> ______________________________ Reply Separator 
> Subject: Reply to Gerben Z and others 
> Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at Tcpgate 
> Date:    3/13/98 10:43 AM
> Dear Gerben:
> In the same way it must be permitted to discuss the role of leading 
> of Jewish Music. I did that in my mails on "Ari Dawidow as an authority" 
> some ten days ago. Although I got some private reactions of support, the 
> bulk of this mailing-list seems to have reacted not to what I actually 
> wrote, but to what it thinks was my bad behaviour. Critics shouldn't be 
> criticized, that's the conclusion I must draw ...
> All the best,
> Ingemar Johansson

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