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RE: Help with an intro to klezmer

Two places come to mind immediately. The first is Ari's Klezmer Shack. He has the best compendium of
information, reviews, sound files, etc. of Klezmer music I know of.

For buying, look into, the web site of Tara
Publications. They not only have a large (I don't know if it's the
largest, but it's pretty large) selection of Klezmer CDs (and
cassettes), and they also have sound files.

Also they just reduced their prices and on top of that are having a 20%
off sale :-)

With these two resources one should come away with a good intro to

Dick Rosenberg

>From:  maurice altman[SMTP:maurice (at) linden(dot)prestel(dot)co(dot)uk]
>Sent:  Thursday, February 19, 1998 1:14 PM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant.
>Subject:       Help with an intro to klezmer
>I have received a cry for help from Maine: ideas appreciated:
>"I was introduced to klezmer by my father who
>supplied me with the wonderful book on tape "The Fool and the Flying Ship"
>(narrated by Robin Williams :-).  Since then I've found some other stuff,
>none of it truly excellent.  I've found that I enjoy the fast and loud type
>of Klezmer the best, but I don't really know where to start looking.  Any
>suggestions of places to look/bands that play that type of Klezmer?  Also,
>where can I find: Klezmer Music: Early Yiddish Instrumental Music: The
>First Recordings 1910- 1927?  Thanks for your time."

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