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Re: Help on Hatikvah

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Subject: Help on Hatikvah 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate
Date:    2/1/98 10:35 AM

The problems are in the words "homiyah"
this means to 'stir-up" as in stirred-up emotions.  The same root appears 
in the daily amido, yehemoo {no} Rachecho...
Therefore Nefesh Yehudi Homiyo - the sould of the Jew is "stirred" (aroused 

 at the end of the second line and "ulfaatey"
Ulfaatey Mizroch:  Paatey is related to Pei'o which means  corner.  
Ul'faatei means something like towards the East corner (as in the 4 corners 
of the world)

  On ul'faatey, I will defer to the more knowledgeable linguists out there 
for a more precise deifinition.

Richard Wolpoe

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