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Help on Hatikvah

I'm preparing a simple, relatively literal translation of Hatikvah (for
some English-speaking singers who would like to come closer to
understanding the words they sing) and have found two words for which the
translation doesn't come easily.  Obviously, I'm not much more than a
beginner in Hebrew--I can use a dictionary, and am having trouble anyway.
Any help will be welcome.

The problems are in the words "homiyah" at the end of the second line and
"ulfaatey" at the beginning of the third line.  I won't provide my guesses
so as not to bias the responses (and to avoid showing my ignorance), but I
would be grateful for any assistance.

Many thanks in advance.

Mike Leavitt <mrl (at) alum(dot)mit(dot)edu>
Reston, VA

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