Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: Music discussions on Virtual Ashkenaz

>>The Virtual Ashkenaz forum requires access to a "web browser".
>>If you have one, come visit
>>for instructions on how the system works, and to do your free
>>registration, and to start reading and participating.
>NetScape claims "server has no DNS entry" for this URL.  Nu??
>Maybe there are other links we can use to get in?

That probably means that their server, or your connection were
sufficiently slow as to time out. Or that they were down (like,
they keep me up to date? Hah!)

An alternative address that will also work (and which I know isn't
going anywhere) would be
which connects you to the development site, but the same links
are there.

>P.S.  Once we are in, can we get caught up
>      on the previous discussions?

Yes, there are buttons that let you catch up with everything, 
and see just the material for whatever period gives you a
manageable set of posts backwards.


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