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U.K. klezmer band

On Tue, 27 Jan 1998 21:11:22 +0000 (GMT), Jonathan Ross hot geshribn:

I'm getting married in late June and my fiancee (a Turkish Moslem) and I
(a British Jew) would love to have a klezmer band playing, as well as some
Turkish music and dance. Unfortunately, es zaynen do nit keyn sach
klezmorim on this island
..... Does anyone out there know... of other good but affordable klezmer bands 
in the UK.



You are fortunate in having, in London, one of the finest traditional klezmer
clarinetists around, Merlin Shepherd. Run, don't walk, to contact him at
merlinms (at) popmail(dot)dircon(dot)co(dot)uk


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