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Re: To Itzik-Leyb

That was one wicked piece of typing you just coughed up. Yasher Ko'ach!

Gezint zolsti zayn!

I think I'm gonna havta build up my endurance for letters like that. Would
you be interested in serializing it?

Whaddaya mean? That WAS the first installment!

But serialzy, what were you looking for at a Balkan Festival? Were you
sleuthing, like Bartok
in Hungary? Or does the Balkan music have 'something' that Jewish music

First of all, this is New York, we're not so "balkanized" here. As a matter
of fact, the guy that organizes the Balkan Bash is named "Ginzberg".
Second of all, yeah, Balkan music does have something Jewish music lacks:
5/8, 7/8, 11/8, 27.5/8, etc. Look, "ales in eynem iz nishto ba keynem."
It's great music... but after 5 hours of the stuff, we began to long for
some klezmer...


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