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Re: Cantors.

On Wed, 24 Dec 1997, Michael R. Leavitt wrote:

> >Now, for the issue.  Unless I missed something, no one is discussing
> >differences among the religious movements in this thread.
> I think you are missing something.  The only thing Ari was criticizing was
> Alex Jacobowitz's comment:
> >Hm. And the rest of us Ba'alei Tefilla were praying fervently that
> >the Reform might stop allowing unqualified individuals
> >to be called "Rabbi"!
> >
> This had nothing to do with the cantorial thread, and was inappropriate to
> that discussion.  That's all.

actually, i took that to be a clever, funny, pointed, ironic reference. in
context it didn't seem inappropriate, nor was it the main point of the
argument. it was just a way to see what we were discussing in a greater

Seth Rogovoy                        
rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net
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