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Re: Cantors.

>>Now, for the issue.  Unless I missed something, no one is discussing
>>differences among the religious movements in this thread.
>I think you are missing something.  The only thing Ari was criticizing was
>Alex Jacobowitz's comment:
>>Hm. And the rest of us Ba'alei Tefilla were praying fervently that
>>the Reform might stop allowing unqualified individuals
>>to be called "Rabbi"!
>This had nothing to do with the cantorial thread, and was inappropriate to
>that discussion.  That's all.

thanks, Mike. And, going over the context, I see that I was
overacting to one of Alex's typically snide comments, but one
that certainly wouldn't have been seen as terrible within the
context of the discussion (which I hadn't been following).

So, people were right to call me on overreaction to the usual
Alex snideness which I saw, out of context, as bringing in
other, more political issues (with its reference to the 
current politicization of the status of the various Jewish
religious branches in Israel).

In any event, please do give me benefit of the doubt. I do
not believe that I have ever tried to discourage discussion
of anything relating to the subject of this list--to the 
contrary (I hope).

And if someone would like to forward posts i have made
trying to discourage discussion about some general part
of the jewish-music world over the years, I will certainly
better understand why there has been such eagerness to
believe it in this instance.

(Although, yes, I do still believe that "Transmigrations" will
be the answer to a trivia question that includes "Tiny Tim's
Best Recordings and other oddities". And I do expect Wolf to
continue to attack me personally, rather than to enjoy the
praise of those who feel otherwise.)


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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